Simpsons Lane Academy

Simpson’s Lane Academy is part of Delta Academies Trust. The academy is a slightly larger than averaged sized academy, catering for pupils from the Early Years Foundation Stage, through Key Stage 1 into Key Stage 2. There are currently 337 pupils on roll, including 39 part time Nursery pupils.

The school is located on the Warwick Estate in Knottingley, in an area of deprivation 0.51 on the school deprivation measure which is significantly above the National Average of 0.21. Pupil Premium eligibility is currently 60% which is significantly above the National average of 26.7%. Mobility is below National levels with a stability measure of 71.7% (National 85.9%). The vast majority of pupils are of White British ethnicity (92.5%) with 6.1% of pupils whose first language is not English. 
